Message from The Pastor

God is waiting for you.

“Come back to Me with your whole heart” – Joel 2:12

When we wander away from God, it’s easy to think He is distant and uninterested in us. But the truth is, He is always there, waiting for us to return to Him. No matter how far we have strayed, or how long we have been away, He is always ready to welcome us home.

The book of Joel contains a powerful message of hope and restoration for God’s people. In Joel 2:12, the prophet calls out to the people, “Come back to the Lord your God with all your heart!” This is a call for us to return to God with all of our hearts – not just part of it. We can’t come back to Him half-heartedly or with ulterior motives. We must come with a sincere desire to seek His forgiveness and to turn away from our sins.

When we return to God with our whole hearts, we will find His forgiveness and His love. He will restore us and make us new again. We will be filled with His Holy Spirit and have a fresh start. If you are feeling far from God today, take heart! He is waiting for you to come back to Him with your whole heart.

Pastor Harris

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“Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing.”


Bobbi Jones

Prayers for Laurel Manor

Thank you so much for praying over our facility Laurel Manor in Colorado Springs.  I saw photos in our newsletter and wanted to express my gratitude to you. May your entire congregation stay safe and blessed.
In Him,
Bobbi Jones, Director of Staffing and People Systems
Volunteers of America, Inc.